5 Laws Everyone Working In Double Glazing Window Repairs Should Know

· 6 min read
5 Laws Everyone Working In Double Glazing Window Repairs Should Know

Double Glazing Window Repairs

You can cut down on heating costs by having your double-glazed windows fixed. A professional will use specific tools and know how to do the job properly.

They can also give you advice on the latest technology for energy efficiency. A lot of new double-glazed windows come with a guarantee of 10 or 20 years, however certain windows offer lifetime guarantees.

Broken Panes

Double-glazing cracks are not only unsightly, they also act as a barrier for cold and heat to get into or leave your home. The good news is, the majority of broken panes can be repaired without replacing the entire window. To stop the crack from spreading, tape the area with packing or masking tape. Spread the tape over the glass edges on both sides. You can also cover the area with plastic, such as garbage bags, tarps or tarp, to block bugs, rain and other animals.

Next, you'll need take the glass pane from its frame using a utility knife and gloves. Make sure to take the glass out in one go rather than breaking it into small pieces. Be cautious as shattered glass pieces can be thrown around and cause more damage. In addition, it is essential to recycle old glass in a proper manner.

After you have removed the old window, you'll have to take measurements of the opening of the new pane. Be sure to take your measurements carefully and bear in mind that wood expands and contracts over time. It is generally recommended to subtract 1/16 - 1/8 inch from the measurement to ensure the new glass is fitted snugly. Purchase enough glaziers' points or clips to cover every 6 inches around the perimeter of the pane.

A professional will drill holes in the window, and then seal the gaps with an adhesive liquid. This creates an impermeable layer that will keep your home warm and dry. The process could take anywhere from one or two days to several weeks. It is essential that the sealant is dry before you can move to the next step.

While some double-pane windows may be repaired with this method however, it's generally recommended you replace the window if you're experiencing condensation, draughts or any other problems that can't be solved through drilling or tapping. Moreover, since specialized tools are required to perform the repair properly, it's not always an ideal idea to attempt the job yourself unless you're an experienced DIYer.


Condensation can cause problems when the temperature or humidity of a space changes. It causes water droplets to form on cold surfaces. They can become trapped between double glazing when the seal isn't working. It's generally not a huge problem, and you can do some things before calling in window repair experts.

Another option is to use a hairdryer on low heat (and at a safe distance) to evaporate any stagnant moisture that's accumulated between your windows. This is a temporary solution that won't stop condensation from recurring unless the source of the issue is fixed. A permanent solution is to ensure that there's sufficient ventilation within your home and that you maintain a balance between humidity levels. This can save you money on your energy bills and decrease the risk of damp and mould developing around your windows.

Another way to tackle condensation is to make use of a defogger device. A small hole is cut into the double-glazed window, and then a cleaner solution sprays into it. This is a way to remove moisture from the air. This is only a temporary fix and isn't guaranteed to eliminate condensation in the long term however it could be a reasonable option until you can get your window professionally repaired.

Visible condensation is a key indication that the sealant between the double pane windows has failed. If you notice this, it's essential to call your double glazing provider immediately and have any issues put in writing. It will be easier to claim your warranty in the event that it becomes needed later.

You can also try lubricating any handles, hinges or mechanisms on your double-glazing and see if that can help. You can also apply a dry cloth to clean off any dust. However this won't fix the issue, which is that there isn't a clean and dry space in between your windows. If you're unable resolve this issue problem, then replacing your window could be the best option.


There's nothing worse than a cold breeze coming through your double-glazed windows - it can make your entire home feel draughty, even when the rest of the house is warm. Most draughts can easily be repaired and will help you save money on your energy bills.

A draught usually comes from gaps in the walls around windows and doors. A poor fitting, loose plaster and rotting wood, or even loose paintwork can create drafts. Draught-proofing is an inexpensive way to reduce your energy bills. It prevents warm air from leaving your home in winter, and cold air from entering your home in summer, meaning you don't need to keep heating your home to a high temperature.

The installation of draught-proofing strip is the best way to prevent drafts. These strips are available in different materials, like brush, foam, or rubber. They can be installed around the bottom or sides of a door. Draught-proofing is also available for sash and casement windows. There are brushes that can be fitted to sliding sash windows and rubber strips for casement windows that can be glued or screwed in place.

You can also install an air-draught excluder in the space between your floorboards. This will stop warm air from rising and creating drafts. This only works when your floorboards aren't carpeted. You can also close the gaps around extractor fan and chimneys, and also add a vent to an open fireplace when it's not in use.

Double glazing that is misted is a common problem. It can be fixed by creating a brand new seal. Many double glazing companies will offer drilling the glass unit and insert a plug. However this is an interim solution. It is recommended to contact the company that sold and installed your double glazing and ask them to repair the glass unit. It may cost more, but replacing the whole window will be less expensive.


Condensation between the panes of a double-glazed window causes mist. The sealant holding the glass together stops moisture from escaping, but it is often damaged or worn down by accidental collisions or as a result of weathering and aging.  glazing repair  should be repaired as quickly as possible, as it could cause homeowners a variety of issues, including damp and mould, as well as the cost of energy.

There is an easy and quick solution to fix the issue without having to replace the entire window. Just drilling a few holes through the window unit will allow you to put in a desiccant bag that will absorb any condensation that may occur between the glass panes. This will eliminate the issue and make your windows appear clear again.

There are companies that can drill holes in your double-glazed units on your behalf. This method is expensive and requires some knowledge and skills to be successful.

In certain cases when the window is being damaged by other factors like extensive rot or severe cracks, it may be necessary to replace it. This is particularly relevant if you plan to upgrade to Low E A-rated glass to improve insulation and cut down on heating costs.

In the end, it is recommended to get in touch with the company that installed your double glazing and ask for assistance. They should be able fix the misting issue or offer you a discount on a replacement unit based on whether the unit is under warranty. For general maintenance and maintenance of your double glazed windows, you should periodically checking the mechanisms as well as the hinges, handles and any areas where the windows or doors enter the frame for signs of wear and wear and tear. Keep your double glazing clean to reduce any condensation or moisture between the panes. If you're having trouble opening or closing your windows, you can lubricate the hinges and mechanisms using some grease or oil.